
Ginger,Turmeric and Lemon Tea

Glass with tea surrounded by Ginger,Turmeric,lemon and honey

Philippines Tea (Good for Hot and Cold Beverage)


  • 100 grams Ginger
  • 10 grams Ginger
  • 1 large Lemon
  • 100 ml water
  • 150 grams Honey
  • 5 grams Pepper


  1. Peel the ginger, turmeric and Lemon, sliced it into preffered sizes.
  2. Pounding the Ginger and Turmeric in mortar and pestle will help to create an easy paste for the tea
  3. Prepare a pot and pour the 100 ml water and bring it to boil.
  4. Gently, stir the pounded ginger and turmeric to boiling water
  5. Add 5 grams pepper and the lemon, Simmer it for 5 minutes.
  6. In a bowl, prepare the 150 grams honey and mix it together with the Mixture.
  7. Put it in a sealed jar and store it in a cool dry place. Shelf life (4-6 month)
  8. Can be used in cold and hot beverages
  9. Serve and Enjoy!

To sum up: Easty/ 20 minutes to prepare / Suitable for 15 people

We also invite you to watch the film in the youtube, where you can see how this amazing Tea made step-by-step

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