Leche flan

Leche Flan (Philippines Dessert)
Dessert Ingredients:
- 5 tablesppon of White Sugar (To be Caramilize)
- 10 Large egg yolks
- 250 grams Sweet Condensed Milk
- 400 ml Evaporated Milk
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- A squeezed of Lemon
- Vanilla
- In a pot, put the granulated sugar and mix it thoroughly in a medium heat, until the sugar turns into liquid (caramel) changing into a light brown color. (A choice of molder than can easily spread the caramel)
- Spread the caramelized sugar evenly in the molder and set aside in a room temperature.
- Seperate the Egg yolks from the white egg (As the egg yolks will only be used).
- Place the egg yolk in a bowl and stir it very gently
- Add the condensed milk. Again, stir it very gently
- Pour-in evaporated milk, Vanilla, salt and a squeezed of Lemon with a 1minute gentle stirring
- Strained the mixture for 3 times, for a smooth texture result.
- Pour the strained liquid mixture to the molder with caramel and cover it with foil.
- In a steamer pot, boil a water with a medium heat and gently put the molder of the mixture
- Cover this for atleast 20 minutes or insert a toothpick when it comes out clean, it’s good to go…
- After steaming, let the temperature cool down the refrigerate
- Serve for dessert. Share and Enjoy!
To sum up: Easy/ 50 minutes to prepare / Suitable for 10 people.
We also invite you to watch the film in the youtube, where you can see how this amazing Dessert Recipe made step-by-step
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